Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Eating Healthy and Fatigue

I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome when I was a college. For those of you that don't know what chronic fatigue's basically mono that never goes away. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating disease. It has made my life very difficult. I missed a whole semester of college because I literally was so tired I could not get out of bed. I would go days without leaving the house. Waking up for work or school was a battle every day.

For years my chronic fatigue was treated with stimulants. If I took my prescribed medication when it was time to wake up in the morning I could function; however, the medication would wear off and at some point I would just crash. All of the doctors told me to "eat healthy", "eat balanced meals", "exercise"...but I was either too busy to cook healthy meals or too tired to exercise, so I usually just had fast food or a frozen dinner once a day.

I am not overweight now, but I do want to lose a few pounds. I especially want to tone up. To motivate me, I started looking up healthy recipes and decided to try a few of them. I am not an experienced cook...I frequently burn things in the MICROWAVE...but I knew that the key to me feeling better physically wasn't relying on prescription was eating healthy. Since I have been making these recipes, I have never felt better! I no longer take my stimulants to get through the day. I have energy. I can now exercise and do all the things I could never do before. Also, I am learning to cook, which is actually fun and I'm not half bad at it.I just wanted to share the importance of eating a healthy, balanced diet. It has worked wonders for me in such a short time.

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