Friday, April 29, 2011


I am slacking on posting my recipes...been very busy lately. I still need to post the recipe for my Chocolate Cherry Carnation Breakfast Smoothie and Corn and Green Chili Spoon Bread (a side dish I served with salsa chicken). I will post those tomorrow. It's Friday night and I want to spend time having fun with my boyfriend. Tonight for dinner is Italian Pizza Bake with fresh Mozzarella and Tomato Salad...YUMMY! I started this blog and made the decision to eat healthy balanced meals about a week ago. My goal was to loose ten pound a week. It as been a week and I have lost 2 pounds!!! YAY!!! I also have been working out. Nothing hard core...a walk around my complex with my dog, the shake weight (I do the 6 minute DVD and just shake it around when I'm bored), and a 10 minute butt and then 10 minute ab workout I found as an app on my phone. I do all this 4-6 times a week. The shake weight is not a gimmick...I hated my arms, it was one part I could never tone, and now they are starting to look so much better.
Getting ready to work out at home...note the shake weight in hand and yoga mat on floor. Yes, I really am that tan. I am a tanorexic.

My 6 pound bundle of joy, Axle, sleeping with his favorite toy, Mr. Flea.

My boyfriend recently got into working out. He's hard core and taking tons of supplements. If you are trying to bulk up by working out and have questions...ask me and then I'll ask him...he knows EVERYTHING.

The Situation and Pauly D stopped by to ask Dominic if he had any work out tips lol. Oh boyfriend is NOT that tan. Clearly the picture is photoshopped.

Dominic and Me Playing Putt Putt (which counts as a form of light exercise!)

1 comment:

  1. Nice tan. If you're looking for more to do with that shake weight, check out these shake weight exercises.
