Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Perfect 195 Calorie Snack

Before I did some research about losing weight...I thought not eating was the way to go. Clearly, that is unhealthy and really not a good method to lose weight. Basically I guess you are supposed to have three balanced meals a day and a snack or two. At least that's what I've been doing and I have lost 2 pounds in a week. Grabbing a snack is easy, but it's important to pay attention to portions and choose items that are filling. My favorite snack to eat is light yogurt (100 calories), a wedge of light Laughing Cow Cheese (35 calories) and 5 saltine crackers (60 calories). It's a very filling snack for only 195 calories and it never gets boring because there are endless flavors of yogurt and a wide variety of spreadable cheese. IMPORTANT: You will never lose weight if you drink a lot of soda or other high calorie drinks. Water is the best way to go, but I can't stand water. So, thank the lord for Crystal Light. I get all the water I need but it doesn't taste like favorite flavor is peach mango green tea!

My Favorite Snack :-)

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